Similar with an pickup Order request, with the below mandatory specifications.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
CourierId | integer | only available for Sameday(6) and FAN(3) | |
AddressFrom | Address[] | Yes | See object below |
Payment | integer | Yes | 2 (recipient) - sender payment not supported |
includeCourierResponse | boolean | true for Sameday as PIN is retuned in courier response |
Address[] :
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | string[64] | Yes | |
ContactPerson | string[100] | Yes | |
Country | string[2] | ||
CountyName | string | not mandatory if PostalCode is sent | |
LocalityName | string | either LocalityName + CountyName or LocalityName + PostalCode | |
AddressText | string[100] | ||
PostalCode | string[50] | ||
Phone | string[64] | Yes | |
string[100] | Yes | ||
FixedLocationId | string | Yes | Innoship Fixed Location Id obtained using Get Fixed Locations Request (Location service) |
CourierFixedLocationId | string | Instead of FixedLocationId | Can be used instead of FixedLocationId if available. To use this field the CourierId is mandatory and the courierFixedLocationId is not validated by our system. |
Example Request:
{ "ServiceId": 1, "CourierId": 6, "ShipmentDate": "2023-05-26T11:29:36+02:00", "ShipmentDateEnd": "2023-05-26T11:29:36+00:00", "AddressFrom": { "Name": "LockReturn TEST", "ContactPerson": "LockReturn TEST", "Country": "RO", "CountyName": "Bucuresti", "LocalityName": "Bucuresti", "AddressText": "Str Stefan Stoika 27", "PostalCode": "012243", "Phone": "+40761479785", "Email": "[email protected]", "FixedLocationId": "157" }, "Payment": 2, "Content": { "EnvelopeCount": 0, "ParcelsCount": 1, "PalettesCount": 0, "TotalWeight": 1, "Contents": "Comanda", "Package": "box", "OversizedPackage": false, "Parcels": [ { "SequenceNo": 1, "Size": { "Width": 20, "Height": 10, "Length": 20 }, "Weight": 1, "Type": 2, "Reference1": "91808259.1" } ] }, "Extra": { }, "Parameters": { "Async": true, "GetParcelsBarcodes": true, "IncludeCourierResponse": true, "IncludePriceBreakdown": false, "IncludeAddressInResponse": false }, "ExternalClientLocation": "RO", "ExternalOrderId": "locker88", "Metadata": "", "SourceChannel": "", "Observation": "" }
Example API response with courier response included:
{ "clientOrderId": "6|1SDYLR1162395", "courierShipmentId": "1SDYLR1162395", "courier": 6, "courierParcelsBarcodes": [ { "sequenceNo": 1, "barcode": "1SDYLR1162395001" } ], "price": { "amount": 10.0, "vat": 1.90, "totalAmount": 11.90, "currency": "RON" }, "calculatedDeliveryDate": "2023-05-28T21:00:00Z", "trackPageUrl": "", "courierResponse": { "awbNumber": "1SDYLR1162395", "awbCost": 10.0, "parcels": [ { "Position": 1, "AwbNumber": "1SDYLR1162395001" } ], "pdfLink": "", "deliveryLogisticLocationId": "", "deliveryLogisticLocation": "", "pickupLogisticLocation": "TM_TIMISOARA_A04", "pickupLogisticLocationId": "122", "deliveryLogisticCircle": "", "sortingHubId": "", "sortingHub": "", "lockerReturnChargeCode": "JAD7E8G", "returnAwbs": null }, "extra": { "bankRepaymentCurrency": "RON", "openPackage": false, "saturdayDelivery": false, "reference1": "91808259", "returnOfDocuments": false, "returnPackage": false } }